
«Солнце превратится во тьму и луна - в кровь, прежде нежели наступит день Господень, великий и страшный.» Иоиль 2:31«The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.» Joel 2:31
That Jew Died For You - Этот Еврей умер за тебя

понедельник, 5 января 2015 г.

Really, ISON - back???!!! According to Russian press...

Russia joined in 2015 during the Starfall of the quadrantid, which began on December 28, 2014. In order not to miss any one of these spectacular astronomical events, we present the Calendar of Russian. 2015".
"Russian Starfall No. 1" can be observed from 1 to 7 January 2015. Source is the constellation of Bootes, or rather, the quadrantid radiant. For more than 100 years ago, it was the constellation Wall Quadrant, which collapsed, and was finally abolished in the 20-ies of the last century. Peak Starfall will have on the night of 3 to 4 January. A stream of meteors moderate, low brightness.

"Russian Starfall No. 2" will happen on 16 and 17 January. The source of the meteors will be the "comet of the century ISON, broken into pieces at his rendezvous with the Sun. The stream of particles coming from the constellation of Cancer. The intensity and brightness unpredictable.

Russian star No. 3" or Lyrid, will come in the spring. It is the oldest of all known earthlings of.. First mentioned about it in "Zuo Zhuan" (687 BC). Last he will be 16 on April 25, with the peak on the night of 22 to 23 April. The radiant is near the constellations of Lyra, Hercules and the milky Way. The intensity is about 20 meteors per hour with periodic starry showers to 100 meteors. The velocity of the particles up to 48 km/sec, so the sky remain thin, quickly fading stripes.
"Russian Starfall No. 4" comes immediately after the Lyrids. Already on April 28 in the Earth's atmosphere will slowly flow Aquarids from a radiant in the constellation of Aquarius. The Delta Aquarids - stream of debris from comet Machholz 1986 VIII. Take this all-star event will be on may 5. Peak Starfall is not expressed. The particle velocity is slow, the intensity of 15 - 20 per hour. The best time of observation for a couple of hours before dawn.
"Russian Starfall No. 5 will continue the show started Aquarids. on may 5, the Northern hemisphere will be covered particles from comet 1P/Halley - May orionids. The average intensity.
"Russian Starfall №6" is in "day pass." From 22 may to 2 July in the daytime Russia will fall meteor shower Aristide. The peak intensity of 8 June, but notice that Starfall only the brightest fragments shortly before sunrise. The intensity of the strong. Regarding the source of the stream scientists ' opinions were divided. Part astronomers are inclined to asteroid 1566 Icarus, and part considers the "culprit" comet R/Machholz.
"Russian Starfall No. 7" will bring the Perseids is the most famous meteor shower in the world, originates from the tail of the comet R/swift-Tuttle. Take the Perseids will be from 17 July to 24 August, with a peak on August 12. But in 2015, the position of the moon in the night sky can significantly reduce the visual effect of this stargazing. The intensity of strong - up to 60 meteors per hour.
"Russian Starfall No. 8" from 2 to 16 October. This Draconid, also known as Giacobinid visible in the morning hours. The source of the stream is comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner. The radiant is in the constellation of the Dragon. The intensity variable, sometimes developing into meteor showers to several thousand objects per hour.
"Russian Starfall No. 9 will arrange the October orionids. The star of the show will be held from 16 to 21 October, with a peak between midnight and sunrise on October 21. This year is expected extremely bright sight.
"Russian Starfall No. 10" will be lit in the sky from 20 October to 30 November, Taurids, related origin with comet Encke and is known for its North and South branches. The radiant is in the constellation of Taurus. The peak on the night of 5 November. The flow rate of low - up to 5 objects per hour. In parallel with the Taurids will fly across the sky and Leonids, the particles drop from the comet R/Tempel-Tuttle and flying in its orbit around the Sun. The radiant is in the constellation of Leo. The peak in the night of November 12. Flow is unpredictable, about 1 time in 33 years turning into "star storm" with several thousand falling meteors per hour.
"Russian Starfall No. 11 will fly through the night sky from 2 to 15 December from a radiant in the constellation Gemini, near castor. Hence its name - the Geminids. The most powerful meteor shower. At peak intensity can reach 2000 meteors per hour, which is 2 times higher than the maximum intensity of the Perseid! Often flying bright meteors and fireballs. It is assumed that the flow associated with the asteroid 3200 Phaethon (1983 TV). The direction of a meteor shower is a "catch-up" Land, so the speed of the falling particles is low.
"Russian Starfall No. 12 will be terminated in 2015. Farewell party for the Russians will suit December orionids. The spectacle will be available for viewing exclusively to the inhabitants of the Northern hemisphere during the night of December 22.

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