
«Солнце превратится во тьму и луна - в кровь, прежде нежели наступит день Господень, великий и страшный.» Иоиль 2:31«The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.» Joel 2:31
That Jew Died For You - Этот Еврей умер за тебя

вторник, 7 марта 2017 г.

Trump - is beast... from the book of Revelation of St. John the Divine described in chapter 13

I saw a dream about the Trump - the US president. I stood on the bank of the forest lake (in the lake and there were a lot of people on the shore and made noise), then I saw the vice-president emerging from the water and the Obama walking next to the Trump, then the obama vanished and the Trump turned his back on me and greeted those who were on the shore of this Lake. I think that Trump is an beast from the book of Revelation of St. John the Divine described in chapter 13.



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