
«Солнце превратится во тьму и луна - в кровь, прежде нежели наступит день Господень, великий и страшный.» Иоиль 2:31«The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.» Joel 2:31
That Jew Died For You - Этот Еврей умер за тебя

понедельник, 16 мая 2011 г.

America, Repent!

This letter came to my mailbox, I have translated it, and bring to your attention.Word of the Lord to the leaders and people of America - Repent!America, Repent! On May 4, 2011, at about 2:40 am, I Navarro Pastor Wilson had read on the Internet on the National Day of Prayer, conduct which was scheduled for May 5, 2011. When I read about it, the Spirit of God came to me and encouraged me to write the following about the event, held in the United States. The Lord came to me and said:"In the beginning the government of this country were ministers who fear me - this day was a real day of prayer. Now all this is complete hypocrisy and it is for most of the leaders who have authority in this nation. I always hear the fervent prayers of His faithful servants and therefore, I hold my anger in this nation. But now my patience is at an end: if the leaders themselves do not repent and call upon all the people to repentance and humility before me, the Lord and your God, I will be very sorry. Your hypocritical actions have become an abomination before me. In recent decades, you have tried to remove me completely from life, you have to rely on their judgments. You removed me from all of your systems: educational, judicial and legislative. Now, when you come to me in prayer, your words are actually empty, and they mean nothing even to your hearts. You play the political game to appease those who sincerely follow me, those who fervently called me and asked to heal this country.I - Jehovah, God! And I will not change. My faithful servants I prayed and preached repentance for many decades. I sent you a pious advisers, but you continue to go their separate ways. You really do not want to change. You are only promises, but does not fulfill its promises. You have allowed the country to lose the holiness and you can not put a barrier of immorality, allowing wickedness to enslave the hearts and minds of people. You are shedding the blood of millions of innocent souls, to legalize abortion. Only I give life and only I have the right to decide when to take it. You have made many spiritual adultery by adopting a variety of false religions, took them as an alternative way to me.There is only One True Way, which people can come to me and the Way - Jesus, My only begotten Son. He - the Way, the Truth and the Life and no one can come to me otherwise, except through Him. You have turned their country into a den of thieves: true justice is no longer performed. You have taken away mercy and charity to strangers on your land. You give them love instead of contempt. In your hearts do not remain compassionate. The rich oppress the poor with you, even if it is hidden from prying eyes, it is not hidden from me, I clearly see everything. What God says about marriage? Is it not written that I created man and woman? Did not I brought Eve to Adam as his wife? Have you not read that to me an abomination, when a man lies with a male as with a woman? It is also for women who lie with women.Homosexuality - is an abomination to me. I never approved the adoption of same-sex marriages. And adultery and fornication?Do you really think that I approve of and it? Never! Fornication was the norm for many: for national heroes, even for government leaders and, although it is to live together is called a civil marriage, in fact, in my eyes - it is fornication and a challenge to me. Where is your dignity? Where is your purity? Where is your holiness? - Says the Lord! The truth is that you live with a false spirituality. A lot of what I think is good, has died in you, and that very little that is left on the verge of death, but My grace is still upon you, My grace is still waiting for your repentance. I have tried many ways and I tried many times to lead you to repentance. I sent you my messengers. Many times I spoke with you at church services, that you visit. I gave you a vision. And the last time I give a little taste of my anger in order to lead you to repentance, but you are far from remorseful. In the secret of your heart you blame me for the disaster, but in reality you're just reaping the consequences of their actions. My faithful servants to do what I told them to do. They prayed and preached to my truth. But now, for I would heal the land of the United States, you must all repent.Your leaders should themselves bring the recantation and to encourage all Americans and peoples of the earth to repent before my face. All must admit I am Lord and God and all the people put up before me. If you do this: stop sinning and will always look for my face - I will heal your land and give you a flourish, but if you close your heart and do not take my words, that my wrath shall overtake you I - God. I Esm. I am a consuming fire, and I have not changed.Whereas in the past I did not regret those who sinned against me, I will not save those now. I will allow storms to throw you from side to side. I will make the earth tremble, I command the earth to open your mouth and swallow you. I'll make the nostrils of the earth to open up and spew at you smoke and sulfur. I command you this fall on the rain, what you have never seen before and all of this I will make all the lower hills. If you think those disasters that have already come to the ground hard, then I warn you - they are not comparable with those disasters that await you if you do not bring true repentance.Leaders must first make a public confession and to encourage the whole nation to do so. You have to admit I am your God. If you do this, I will heal you and allow you to prosper, but if you refuse - I will come like a thief in the night and pour out the wrath of your wickedness. Repent and pick me and you'll be alive - says the Lord. " My personal note:I Navarro Pastor Wilson, wrote this message at 4:50 am May 4, 2011. I am absolutely convinced that this word from the Lord and He called me so I told the message to the people as soon as possible. I felt His presence all over his body, even down to the bone. I know that this is not my imagination, but the actual visit to the Spirit of God, who showed me all this. He who has ears, let him hear what the Spirit of God speaks of our nation. At 8:30 am I finished writing my notes and now I am ready to share this message with those who are in power in the church, family, friends, and the entire American nation.Please support me in your prayers and share it with all their relatives and friends. Those who are in power, and with all others, following the guidance of the Spirit of God in you. God bless you. Pray for America.

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