
«Солнце превратится во тьму и луна - в кровь, прежде нежели наступит день Господень, великий и страшный.» Иоиль 2:31«The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.» Joel 2:31
That Jew Died For You - Этот Еврей умер за тебя

понедельник, 27 июня 2011 г.

Lillian Herimbi - A dream about the AntiChrist, June 27, 2011 at 8:24 AM

Yesterday morning (Sunday--26 June 2011), I woke up from a very strange dream concerning the AntiChrist. This is what happened:

In this dream my sister, cousin and I were walking to our aunt's place at night, when suddenly we saw a group of men on houses--we ran into the nearest house and locked all doors. These men stood outside the gate and when we looked at them throught he window they were now wearing trafffic police uniforms. After a while the dream setting changed. In this new setting I saw Obama and all his people--whom he was sending out to come after us and all residents and capture them. Noticing this, people started running for their lives, people ran and hid themselves but unfortunately others were caught and taken away to some camp.

This kept on going on for some days, though it seemed like one long day. Obama and his men had surrounded a huge yard (I was not sure of the place this time) and no one was allowed out. I do not remember being caught but I found myself in that yard (camp) and while trying to find my way out (escape) I was chased by the guardsds. I ran and received strength to jump over the tall and huge fencing, I ran so fast. While running I noticed that someone was chasing me--to my suprise this person turned out to be my former classmate from highschool. I was so shocked to find that he was working for the enemy. I ran as fast as I could but he was catching up, while runningI called out for help but everyoone seemed to be going on as normal with their activities. I finally ran to an open space (field-like)-where there were no houses anymore. I called out to one man whom we passed, asking him to help me but he did not (my chaser laughed out so loud-telling me that no one will help me).

Fortunately, while running and screaming for help I saw another young man just ahead of me and ran straight to him (he looked familiar). My attacker then said, "NO! Not that one, do not go to that one", I ran to this man and he saved me. My attacker then turned back and left. This young man who saved me then took me to his family and I stayed with them securely and safely as they took care of me. Days passed, and one day as we were preparing for what semmed to be a music concert, the AntiChrist's men barged into the building and started taking people. When I saw this happening, I went down stairs and found myself outside--I then saw "my attacker" again. He ran after me but I outran him and then locked the door behind me. This kept on happening for a while, I would sometimes see myself outside and he would come chasing after me--in some cases it seemed like he he would overpower me and push the door to find his way in but I would eventually outrun him.

In one instance I was in a room with my sister and another woman who had a baby with her.While watching the news we saw people in masses (women only) being chained together, others still had their babies in their backs. They were taken to what looked like a camp and were also going to be slaves. This shocked us so much, and the woman with the baby said, "I do not care if they take, just as long as I can have my baby with me." A while later I was holding her baby in my arms and then put her (not sure of the gender) on my back. I then heard these words from the baby's mouth, "I promise", it was the LORD talking to us! I started crying as I told them what the LORD was saying, HE also said, "I will protect you. I am with you." These words brought joy to my heart as I heard DADDY assuring us of HIS presence and protection in the midst of trouble. A while after this I woke up.

This was really strange dream. Brethren may we all seek the LORD concerning this dream.
Your sister in the LORD,
June 27, 2011 at 8:24 AM

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